SUN 12 FEB 2017
Classical concert
David Bismuth and Lionel Wantelez
David Bismuth and Lionel Wantelez are getting together for a unique concert around the great names of classical music.
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SUN 12 FEB 2017
David Bismuth and Lionel Wantelez
David Bismuth and Lionel Wantelez are getting together for a unique concert around the great names of classical music.
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more detailsGrignan
Les journées des métiers dart sont loccasion de découvrir le travail des professionnels dune grande technicité qui interviennent sur les chantiers du château.
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more detailsGrignan
SAT 27 MAY 2017
A very different show, which will appeal to a wide audience, combining two opera singers determined to rejuvenate their art form, a comedian-cum-slam poet who juggles with words, an accordionist wizard, timeless fables and composers full of humour. The group Brins de voix takes a bold gamble mixing melodies from Offenbach, Caplet, Aboulker, Lecoq and many others with Fifamé's very funny punch lines.
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more detailsGrignan
21 JUNE > 19 AUG 2017
Three talented artists meet up in Grignan to create this romantic drama where both grotesque and sublime interact in Renaissance Italy. Art forms, dance and drama, converse in this creation which invents a new relation to body and language. The drama frees itself from all codes and is not afraid of mixing genres and tones. With its 3-D effect, the stage design has a strong aesthetic quality.
more detailsAll the châteaux
20 OCT > 2 NOV 2016
Young audience | Guided tour | Children | Reading
Workshops, visits for young people, games, reading... are in the place of honour to keep both children and adults busy during school holidays.
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19 > 29 DEC 2016
Young audience | Guided tour | Children
During the Christmas break, the whole family can partake in games, a court ball and culinary discoveries organised by the châteaux of the Drôme.
more detailsGrignan
4 > 5 FEB 2017
Dans le cadre de ce week-end dédié aux saveurs du territoire, cette manifestation vous propose de partir à la découverte de la truffe et du vin.
more detailsGrignan
11 > 18 FEB 2017
Cinema | Meeting
26 Images Seconde association
Pour sa deuxième édition, le festival présente des courts et longs métrages qui posent un regard inédit sur notre société. L'occasion de découvrir des films d'auteur de tout horizon, sélectionnés pour la qualité de leur écriture et pour leur vision du monde.
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20 FEB > 2 MARCH 2017
Young audience | Guided tour | Children
During the school holiday, the châteaux of the Drôme are organising workshops and visits for the whole family both in Grignan and Suze-la-Rousse like, for example, finding how people lived in a château, doing a portrait the 17th century way and much more...
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Guided tour | Children | Young audience
During the school holiday, the châteaux of the Drôme are organising workshops and visits for the whole family.
more detailsAll the châteaux
SUN 16 JULY 2017 (Grignan)
TUE 18 JULY 2017 (Suze-la-Rousse)
A concert at the chateau of Grignan, and one at the chateau of Suze, plus many other places in the Drome.
more detailsGrignan
4 > 8 JULY 2017
Reading | Show
Literary meetings and public readings in the courtyard of the chateau of Grignan.
The 22nd edition of the Letters festival will take place from 4th to 8th July 2017 with the theme "Dear families..."
Bookings by phone :
04 75 53 63 21, from 11am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm
French-speaking event.
4 > 16 JULY 2016
Reading | Concert
This summer, the grand courtyard of the chateau of Grignan is hosting the Festival de la Correspondance and Saoû chante Mozart. Some encounters full of poetry...
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